Lîdje, Liège, Liége, Legia, Leodium... The time flies like an arrow through centuries.
Founded a long long time ago, Liège is hard core lover of arts and science. Religion took also a central part of the ancient Legia. This is only natural since Liège used to be a principality governed by a Prince-Bishop (the spade and the crosier). These Prince-Bishop (Notger, Erard de la Marck, Charles-Nicolas d'Oultremont (elected), François-Charles de Velbrück...) were known to be strict but also to give a lot of freedoms to the inhabitant. Free zones were reported and then one can say that liberty is the fourth value on which Liège is solidly anchored. Indeed, one can read that one of the hypothetical origin of the word "Liège" is leud that means liberty. And Finally, the two letters "LG" that appears on the coats of arms are for Libertas Gentes, Free people.

Arts, Science, Religion and Liberty (and weapons)
Unfortunately for you, I will not discuss here about all the joyaux of Liège. I am afraid to describe too poorly all these beautiful pieces of arts. Just come in Liège and admire.

Science and especially Physics are present in Liège for more than 400 years. This is not that well known. Carmélia Opsomer [super lien intéressant] published very interesting papers about the role of Liège at the genesis of physics, i.e. during Newton's time. Jésuite savants came in Liège escaping the England rejection of catholicism. A Jésuite company settled in Liège giving lectures and developing science. One of the teachers was Francis Hall, aka Linus. Aristoteloician, the clash with Newton was inevitable. Even if Linus was wrong, a theory cannot fully developed if nobody strongly attacks it. Linus did well. Linus was also well-known for the elaboration of high precision clocks.
Measuring the time with precision was the tool to be equipped to develop physics.
Villette is more than the name of another street in Liège. In the XVIII century, this family of artisan manage to design and fabricate remarkable optical devices. They were known from the King of France to the Tsar of the Russias. This was the start of a long tradition of mirroring in Liège.
Having good optical instrument was the tool to be equipped to develop physics.
**** More about this exciting period in LINUS ET AL (in French)
Later, another awesome personnage showed up. Etienne-Gaspard Robert, aka Robertson. The period is revolutionary. The science explodes, the cities explode. Revolution in Paris, revolution in Liège. Destruction of the great Saint-Lambert cathedral (one of the highest, largest and beautiful in Europe*). Robertson left Liège to Paris. He met great scientists like Volta, Charles, l'abbé Nollet, ... He has a common point with the later: science can be a show. L'abbé Nollet wanted to interest people to science by showing impressive effects; the finality of the show for Robertson is the fascination and the dream. Robertson life is like a movie: Scientist, showman, technological engineer and air explorator. The Yeager of this century. He flight balloon in France, in Visé (close to Liège), in Verviers. He beat record of altitude doing experimental works. Read this book by Robertson... This is Liège ! **
The conquest of the air was a tool that allows the physics to go further.
**** More about this exciting period in ROBERTSON ET AL (in French)
What about Joseph Plateau? He is the precursor in the field of capillarity and soap film investigation. He also worked at the development of cinema and thus, high speed imaging that we worship. He moved to Gent to become a professor. At the origin of the University of Liège and at the origin of the University of Gent. Plateau is the Plato of capillarity.
Imaging and observation were a tool that allows the physics to go further.
**** More about this exciting period in PLATEAU ET AL (in French)
Nowadays, the tradition persists. High quality mirrors are the fer de lance of Liège skills (CSL, AMOS), optics (SIRRIS), laser (LASEA), imaging (EVS), time measurement (IPNAS), capillarity (GRASP), material science (SPIN, Phythema)...
The Physics is an experimental science, the parallel between the development of the techniques thanks to talented artisan-scientists is remarkable.
Physics is still in Liège more alive than ever.
* People often says that French people are chauvinistic.
Actually, Liège people taught French people how to be chauvinistic.
** This is what Robertson said about Liège:
"La mousse qui ne pétille pas, mais qui s'élève avec majesté dans nos larges verres, est celle que produit la double fermentation du houblon et de l'orge.Liége peut être citée, tout à la fois,
comme une vaste houillère et comme une vaste brasserie; les produits de ces deux genres d'exploitation
y représentent, pour ainsi dire, le feu et l'eau.
Boire à Liége de l'eau crue, quelque bonne
qu'elle puisse être, est une espèce d'horreur générale.
Les enfans apprennent à sucer la bière avec le lait, et lorsqu'il
manque aux nourrices, qui sont ordinairement leurs mères, la bière leur en tient lieu. Le charbon de terre ou la houille est, de même, le seul combustible en usage, et personne ne s'en fait faute; à Liége, les pauvres ont du moins la certitude de ne mourir ni de soif ni de froid. " ROBERTSON, Mémoires récréatifs, Tome I