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13. Two peak effect in GMR : a chemical effect ?  

B. Vertruyen, A. Rulmont, S. Dorbolo, H. Bougrine,  

Ph. Vanderbemden,  M. Ausloos and R. Cloots, 

Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 602 (2001), 269-274.


Result: These two peaks were amazing.

Story:  -





14. Avalanches of popping bubbles in collapsing foams

N. Vandewalle, J.F. Lentz, S. Dorbolo and F. Brisbois, 

Physical Review Letters, 86 (2001), 179-182.


Result: When listening the bubbles popping, information about foam structure can be extracted.

Story: A student project that produces a PRL. Some measurements were made in an anaechoic room.  Impressive!





15. Non-Gaussian electrical fluctuations in a quasi-2d packing of metallic beads, 

N. Vandewalle, C. Lenaerts, and S.Dorbolo, 

Europhysics Letters, 53 (2001), 197-201.


Result: Tapping on a granular monolayer produces its compaction. When compacted, the fluctuation of the resistivity due to a shock are non-gaussian reflecting te particular structure of the packing.

Story: Cédric’s master thesis.





16. Giant electrical fluctuations in metallic disordered packings

N. Vandewalle and S. Dorbolo, 

Europhysics Journal, E 5 (2001), 129-131.


Result: Idem than 15 but with pentagons.

Story: Pentagons were the key!





17. Quasiparticle contribution to heat carriers relaxation time in DyBa2Cu3O7-x from heat diffusivity measurements, 

S. Dorbolo and M. Ausloos,

Physical Review, B 64 (2001), 184521 (5 pages)


Result: The comparison of thermal diffusivity of Dy-123 «with and without» oxygen allowed to extract properly the phonon background.

Story: A chapter of my thesis



18. Synthesis of CMR manganate compounds : the consequences of the choice of a precursor method,

B. Vertruyen, A. Rulmont, R. Cloots, M. Ausloos, S. Dorbolo, P. Vanderbemden

Materials Letters 57 (2002), 598-603.


Result: Synthesis of CMR was a question to be tackled.

Story: In the SUPRAS spirit: idea, synthesis, measurement, model 





19. Copper doping as a tool for understanding CMR,

B. Vertruyen, R. Cloots, A. Rulmont, S. Dorbolo, Ph. Vanderbemden and M. Ausloos,

Key Engineering Materials, 206-213, (2002), 1453-1456.


Result: And with copper?

Story: In the SUPRAS spirit: idea, synthesis, measurement, model 





20. Magnon-polaron and Spin-polaron Signatures in the Specific Heat and Electrical Resistivity of La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3 in Zero Magnetic Field, and the Effect of Mn-O-Mn Bond Environment, 

M. Ausloos, L. Hubert, S. Dorbolo, A. Gilabert, and R. Cloots

Physical Review B 66 (2002), 174436 (8 pages).


Result: Extend of the measurement to thermal phenomenon.

Story: M. Ausloos spent a lot of time in analysing these complex measurements. His eyes manage to see change of curvature better than any computer





21. Influence of a low magnetic field on the thermal diffusivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8,

  1. Dorbolo and M. Ausloos,

  2. Physical Review, B 65 (2002), 214523 (4 pages).


Result: Thermal diffusivity is the best tool to determine mean free path of heat carriers. By comparison of thermal diffusivity with and without magnetic field, fundamental measurements can be extracted.

Story: A chapter of my thesis.





22. Electrical investigations of granular arches,

S. Dorbolo and N. Vandewalle

Physica A 311 (2002), 307-312


Result: Conductivity of a monolayer of lead beads. Shocks produce reorganisation and... increase the conductivity of the packing.

Story: The start of the electrical investigation with Nicolas.





23. Hysteretic behavior in metallic granular matter, 

S. Dorbolo, M. Ausloos and N. Vandewalle,

Applied Physics Letters 81 (2002), 936-939.


Result: The I-V curve of a granular material is hysteretical, non-linear and even discontinuous. 

Story: I stayed in the lab late because the resistivity of the packing drops suddenly when the current is increased. I tried all the voltmeter available to be sure it was not a mistake.





24. Cascades of popping bubbles,

N.Vandewalle, H.Caps and S.Dorbolo,

Physica A 314 (2002), 320-324.


Result: When listening the bubbles popping, information about foam structure can be extracted.

Story: Fun experiments.





25. Conductivité électrique dans les matériaux granulaires

S. Dorbolo, M. Ausloos, and N. Vandewalle

Revue AIM – Liège 2 (2002), 5 pages


Result: see above.

Story: -



26. Behavior of bulk Melt-Textured YBCO single domains subjected to crossed magnetic fields,

Ph. Vanderbemden, S. Dorbolo, N. Hari-Babu, A. Ntatsis, D.A. Cardwell and A.M. Campbell

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 13 (2003), 3746-3749.


Result: A permanent magnetic field was induced in the superconductor along the c-axis. A perpendicular magnetic field was then applied reducing the c-axis magnetisation.

Story: This paper results from a stay at Campbell’s lab. This laboratory was close to the temple of physics: the Cavendish Institute. I love Cambridge. 





27. Reexamination of the Branly effect

S. Dorbolo, M. Ausloos and N. Vandewalle,

Physical Review E 67 (2003), 040302(R) (4 pages).


Result: Sparks were produced at the vicinity of a granular material. The resistivity was observed to drop!

Story: This paper permits also to have a contact with Arshad. We were both contacted by C. Biever from New Scientist.





28. Limit current density in 2D metallic granular packings,

S. Dorbolo, M. Ausloos and N. Vandewalle,

European Physical Journal B 34 (2003), 201-204.


Result: Pentagons produce low ordered packing. The injection of current is limited by Branly effect.

Story: Nicolas had a fantastic idea to design these pentagons. It is a smart way to approach 2D packing.





29. Aging process of electrical contacts in granular matter

S. Dorbolo, M. Ausloos, N. Vandewalle, and M. Houssa

Journal of Applied Physics  95 (2003), 7835-7838.


Result: When a constant current is injected in a granular matter, the voltage keeps on decreasing. Contacts becomes better and better.

Story: Last paper with Michel who left for Vlaanderen. 





30. Fluid instabilities in the birth and death of antibubbles

S. Dorbolo, H. Caps, and N. Vandewalle

New Journal of Physics 5 (2003), 66.1-66.9


Result: Antibubble air shell shrinks very quickly. Culick helps us to explain the phenomenon.

Story: Hervé and Nicolas discussed the existence of the antibubble in a Thalys ®. It was reported on some web sites. It took one week before mastering antibubble making.





31. Bulles et antibulles

S. Dorbolo

Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 42 (2003) 343-360.


Result: A review for everybody.

Story: This Society deserves to be better known.





32. L’effet Branly

S. Dorbolo, M. Ausloos, and N. Vandewalle

Science et Culture 383 (2003) 60.


Result: see above.

Story: Vulgarisation is always fun.





33. Optimisation des cibles pour fléchettes : du bar à l’étude statistique de comptoir 

S. Dorbolo, C. Dorbolo, I. Dorbolo, H. Caps, H. Decauwer, R. D’Hulst, X. Tordoir, and N. Vandewalle

Science et Culture 384 (2003)


Result: Why numbers are displayed like this on the targets?

Story: The paper of the friends! The natural prolongation of Physical Review X.



34. Effects of silicon addition on the electrical and magnetic properties of copper-doped (La,Ca)MnO3, 

B.Vertruyen, A. Rulmont, R. Cloots, M. Ausloos, J.-F. Fagnard, S. Dorbolo, and Ph. Vanderbemden

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 268 (2004), 364-373


Result: CMR

Story: SD did electrical measurements. Very nice materials to measure. 





35. Analysis of experimental conditions for simultaneous measurements of transport and magnetotransport coefficients of high temperature  superconductors,

J. Mucha, S. Dorbolo, H. Bougrine, K. Durczewski, and M. Ausloos

Cryogenics 44 (2004), 145-149


Result: A review paper about measurement methods.

Story: I learnt a lot with Jan. A real Laboratory man. 





36. Rolling ans slipping motion of Euler's disk 

H. Caps, S. Dorbolo, S. Ponte, H. Croisier and N. Vandewalle

Physical Review E 69 (2004) 056610.


Result: Euler disk motion results from the particular slip-roll motion of the contact points.

Story: Hervé imagined a lot of different manner to measure these effects. Students’ project.





37. Bubble and granular flows 

H. Caps, S. Trabelsi, S. Dorbolo, and N. Vandewalle

Physica A 344 (2004) 424.


Result: A monolayer of bubbles is nearly like a granular material in a Hele-Shaw cell... «nearly» because of deformations!

Story: Sami worked very hard to tackle the different experimental problems..





38. Antibubbles

S. Dorbolo, H. Caps, and N. Vandewalle

New Scientist 181 (2004), 57


Result: -

Story: -




39. Effect of friction in a toy model of granular compaction 

F. Ludewig, S. Dorbolo, and N. Vandewalle

Physical Review E 70 (2004) 051304 (5 pages)


Result: Tetris + Friction = smart model for granular material

Story: François first numerical investigation in granular material. ‘il faut bien commencer par quelque part’.



40. Aging of the antibubbles

S. Dorbolo, E. Reyssat, N. Vandewalle, and D. Quéré

Europhysics Letters 69 (2005), 966-970.


Result: First paper about the link between lifetime and drainage.

Story: This paper results of a collaboration with David and Etienne when both of them were in Collège de France. I was very impressed. Sometimes PG de Gennes was around. Un Gentleman who managed to make you feeling that you were equal to him in front of a new problem. But it was not the case.





41. Stability limit of a granular monolayer

S. Dorbolo

Europhysics Journal E 17 (2005), 77-81.


Result: When a monolayer of beads is inclined, suddenly, the monolayer breaks. The paper tried to describe the different factors that influence the critical angle.

Story: SMC (Summer Measurement Campaign) 2005...





42.  Dynamics of a vibrated dimer

S. Dorbolo, N. Vandewalle, D. Volfson, L. Tsimring, and A. Kudrolli

Powders and grains

Ed. Garcia-Rojo, Herrmann, and McNamara

(Taylor and Francis Group, London, 2005), 1355-1358.


Result: see below

Story: see below also





43.  Dynamics of a bouncing dimer,

S. Dorbolo, D. Volfson, L. Tsimring, and A. Kudrolli

Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 044101 (4 pages)


Result: A dimer made of two beads linked by a rigid rod is vertically shaken. A spontaneous symmetry break may occur. The dimer starts to move horizontally.

Story: The results of a 4 month stay at Arshad’s Lab (Clark University, Boltzmann had been there a long time ago). A wonderful adventure with thousands of stories and friends. I didn’t know it was possible to watch a surf DVD. The motion of the dimer was completely unexpected.





44. The Branly effect and contacting grains in a packing

S. Dorbolo and N. Vandewalle,

Traffic and Granular Flow ’03 

Ed. S.P. Hoogendoorn, S. Luding, P.H.L. Bovy, M. Schreckenberg, and D.E. Wolf

(Springer, Berlin, 2005), 521-524.


Result: -

Story: -





45. La vie des antibulles

S. Dorbolo, E. Reyssat, N. Vandewalle, and D. Quéré

Bulletin de la Société Française de Physique 151 (2005), 10-11.


Result: see above

Story: Promotion paper.


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