1. Influence of Van Hove singularity on the electronic specific heat of high-Tc superconductors,
S. Dorbolo, M. Houssa, and M. Ausloos,
Physica, C 267 (1996), 24-30.
Result: Electronic contribution of specific heat in superconductors is not negligible. 2D structure of copper planes implies Van Hove singularities which induce the enhancement of the electronic contribution.
Story: First paper... terrible mistake that was not seen by any member of my master thesis jury. I learn very rapidly to remain humble.
2. Answer to comment on the paper of S.Dorbolo et al., Physica C 267 (1996), 24-30 entitled: Influence of Van Hove singularity on the electronic specific heat of high-Tc superconductors,
S. Dorbolo,
Physica, C 276 (1997), 175-177.
Result: Idem than 1
Story: The correction!
3. Contributions of critical and Gaussian fluctuations to the specific heat in YBa2Cu3O7-x and in HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8 under a magnetic field,
S. Dorbolo, M. Houssa and M. Ausloos,
Superconductivity Science Technology, 11 (1998), 76-81.
Result: Fluctuations are enormous in high-Tc superconductor.
Story: Paper presented in the framework of my first conference SMART 97 in Liège. What a conference! Talks-Carré-Talks-Carré-Talks-Carré...
4. Electronic specific heat of superconductors with Van Hove singularities : Effect of a magnetic field and thermal fluctuations,
S. Dorbolo, M. Ausloos and M. Houssa,
Physical Review, B 57 (1998), 5401-5411.
Result: Analysis of specific heat in presence of a magnetic field. Transitions 2D-3D-XY-LLL were observed.
Story: A lot of discussion... I remember this paper has hard to write. Probably the reason why I decided to become a full experimentalist.
5. Electronic contribution to the thermal diffusivity of DyBa2Cu3O7-y and Y0.9Ca0.1Ba2Cu3O7-z,
S. Dorbolo, H. Bougrine and M. Ausloos,
International Journal of Modern Physics, B 12 (1998), 3087-3090
Result: Thermal diffusivity measurements are rare but precious.
Story: Paper presented during a conference in Baton Rouge (LA, USA). First time in the USA. A fantastic trip with my supervisor M. Ausloos. First international conference. «I present you Stéphane, my boyfriend» Fantastic M. Ausloos. I remind also that we were a bit late for my talk in Baton rouge. I wear my tie and costume in the toilet of the hotel.
6. Cooper pair-like systems at high temperature and their role on fluctuations near the critical temperature,
M. Ausloos and S. Dorbolo,
International Journal of Modern Physics, B 12 (1998), 3216-3219.
Result: Fluctuations again.
Story: Road movie: San Antonio-Houston (Chu’s lab), Baton Rouge + Mardi Gras New Orleans. Just great!
7. Effect of synthesis process and substrate on electrical and thermal transport properties of Bi-2212,
S.Dorbolo, M. Ausloos, H. Bougrine, B. Robertz, R. Cloots, J. Mucha and K. Durczewski,
Journal of superconductivity, 12 (1999), 623-630.
Result: Surprising enhancement of superconductivity properties when using BaZrO3 crucible.
Story: Paper written during a stay at Jan and Kristof’s lab in Wroclaw. Discovering of Zubruwska and Jabuco Zok (tatanka).
8. Effects of Van Hove singularities on thermal properties of high-Tc superconductors,
S. Dorbolo and H. Bougrine,
Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors, High Technology, NATO science series-vol 63
Editeurs scientifiques : M. Ausloos and S. Kruchinin
Dordrecht (1999), 219-229.
Result: Summarise of results on Van Hove singularity influence.
Story: Conference in Yalta, Ukraine. Nice and unforgettable night in Yalta night club with the owner (who had a bodyguard who had a gun). Too much Wodka too.
9. Fluctuation contributions to the transport properties of Hg1.4Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+d and Bi2Sr1.8Ca1.2Cu2O8 polycrystalline superconductors,
H. Bougrine, S. Dorbolo, R. Cloots and M. Pekala,
Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors, High Technology, NATO Science Series -vol 63
Editeurs scientifiques : M. Ausloos and S. Kruchinin
Dordrecht (1999), 359-370.
Result: Summarise of results on fluctuations.
Story: Surprising Ukraine in 1999.
10. Simultaneous measurements of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and thermopower with applications to copper and ceramic superconductors,
H. Bougrine, J.F. Geys, S. Dorbolo, R. Cloots, J. Mucha, I. Nedkov, and M. Ausloos,
European Physical Journal, B 13 (2000), 437-443.
Result: Technical paper about the measurement of thermal diffusivity.
Story: Collaboration means something.
11. Comparison of the thermal diffusivity of pure and Ni-doped Bi-2212,
S. Dorbolo, M. Ausloos, and H. Bougrine
Proceeding of the first regional conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM-99), vol A
Editeurs scientifiques : M. Akhavan, J. Jensen and K. Kitazawa.
World Scientific
Singapore (2000), 341-346.
Result: The Ni-doping allows to better determine the phonon background.
Story: Conference in Tehran, Iran. Visit of Shiraz, Persepolis, Ispahan. Wonderful country and wonderful people.
12. Avalanches of popping bubbles in collapsing foams,
N. Vandewalle, J.F. Lentz, S. Dorbolo and F. Brisbois,
Proceedings of the 3rd Euroconference on Foams, Emulsions and Applications (Eurofoam 2000)
Editeurs scientifiques : P. Zitha, J. Banhart, and G. Verbist
Verlag MIT publishing
Bremen (2000), 261-265.
Result: see after
Story: -