126. Capillary transport from barrel to clamshell droplets on conical fibers
J. Van Hulle, F. Weyer, S. Dorbolo, and N. Vandewalle,
Phys. Rev. Fluids 6, 024501 (2021)
Result: A droplet changes its shape while moving spontaneously along a conical fibre. This transition results in a change of motion dynamics.
Story: This is Josephine's first paper. From the first result to the last submission deadline, that is an awesome journey in the world of droplet. The referee process was particularly interesting. They really play a key role. This is nice for a first paper to see the role of each step: idea, lab, model, writing, referee, re-run. Interating nec mergitur.
127. Deformation of an electrically charged bubble
S. Mawet, H. Caps, and S. Dorbolo
Physical Review Fluids 6, 043603 (2021)
Result: A bubble is submitted to a vertical electrical field. It deforms. The results are different if the bubble is floating or sitting on a solid. This is not due to the hysteresis of the contact line. The number of interfaces matter.
Story: This is Sébastien first paper. A long story with a lot of tricks in the experimental set-up. The number of sacrified bubbles is incredible. We still do not know whether it is Plexiglas or plexiglas or Plexiglass or plexiglass. Finally, I was pretty oppose to the publication of the article because the use of the word "Mauve". Sébastien, you really hurt the red hearth of your co-supervisor. COYR.
128. Erratum: Leidenfrost effect: Accurate drop shape modeling and refined scaling laws [Phys. Rev. E 90, 053011 (2014)]
B. Sobac, A. Rednikov, S. Dorbolo, and P. Colinet
Physical Review E 103, 039901(E) (2021)
Result: A problem in an equation with low impact on the conclusions
Story: Sometimes, that happens.
129. The wetting properties of frosted glass
S. Dorbolo
Papers in Physics 13, 130006 (2021)
Result: The frosted glass is an amazing surface regarding the wetting of oil and of water. The high hysteresis of the contact angle allows to envisage small channels, controlled flowing of droplets.
Story: My daughter Alice likes writing her name on the frosted glassy windows of the toilets... the traces were very inspiring.
130. Deep spontaneous penetration of a water droplet into hot granular materials
F. Lin, S. Dorbolo, W. Wang, and J. Zou
Physical Review Fluids 7, 034301 (2022)
Results: A droplet is released on a hot granular materials. The droplet is digging. The speed of digging increases with the temperature and then decreases. An optimal digging temperature exists and is related to Leidenfrost.
Story: Leidenfrost - grains - nice collaboration with Prof. Zou group and especially, Fangye. He was a wonderful guide when I was in China and a NBA fan !
131. How to tame a free turbulent Savart sheet into individual jets?
S. Ouled Taleb Salah, G. Chouk, A. Duchesne, N. Decock, K. Abrougui, C. Noûs, F. Lebeau, and S. Dorbolo
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 152, 104032 (2022)
Results: A periodical structure is disposed in the Savart sheet. The sheet decomposed in regular train of droplets. Robust, easy design and avoid jamming.
Story: Resulting from the hard work of Sofiene during his thesis. It took a long time for publishing. We are particularly angry against "Experiment in Fluids" who rejected the paper just because of Camille Noûs without giving us the chance to remove the name. Then, we are more than angry against "Physics of Fluids". The rejection happened between round #1 and round #2. Rejection for fraud ! can you imagine that. The referees worked for nothing. We removed Camille... we were weak.
132. Assessing Phytosanitary Application Efficiency of a Boom sprayer Machine Using RGB Sensor in Grassy Fields
Khaoula Abrougui , Nour El Houda Boughattas, Stéphane Dorbolo, Meriem Belhaj, Ma. Luisa Buchaillot, Joel. Segarra, Roua Amami, Sayed Chehaibi, Neji Tarchoun and Shawn C. Kefauver
Sustainability 14, 3666 (2022)
134. Arbitrary extension of the antibubble lifetime
W. Wang, Lin F., Wei X., Zou J., and S. Dorbolo
Physical Review Fluids 7, L061601 (2022)
Result: How to extend the lifetime of an antibubble ? Just shake it !
Story: A long work that started with the Wei Wang internship. Then, a lot of different designs that are still "in the pipe". And also, remote work and discussion during the famous year 2020.
133. Experimental and numerical investigation of the compression and expansion of a granular bed of repelling magnetic disks
J.A.C. Modesto, S. Dorbolo, H. Katsuragi, F. Pacheco-Vazquez, and Y.D. Sobral
Granular Matter 24, 105 (2022).
Result: A magnetic granular is compressed. In other words, repulsive cylinder magnets were put in a Hele-Shaw cell. The magnets were then compressed. Experiments and numerical simulations are compared.
Story: The extension of a work by Felipe when he was in Liège. Felipe has among his numerous quality the power to gather people around a problem. Surprisingly, we discover that it was possible to have "zoom" discussion at 2pm Belgium time. That is 6am in Mexico, 9am in Brazil and 9pm in Japan.
134. Disordering two-dimensional magnet-particle configurations using bidispersity
K Tsuchikusa, Ken Yamamoto, Makoto Katsura, C de Paula, J Modest, S Dorbolo, Felipe Pacheco-Vázquez, Yuri Sobral, and Hiroaki Katsuragi
Journal of Chemical Physics (2023).
Result: Mixtures are always the step forwards. However, this is always a big one. However, with simple arguments, the compression of a bidispersity magnet particle assembly can be characterized. The important thing is that the contact are purely repulsive. Bye bye friction.
Story: The intercontinental team is there.
135. Thermal Antibubbles: When Thermalization of Encapsulated Leidenfrost Drops Matters
J. Miguet, B. Scheid, L. Maquet, B. Darbois-Texier, and S. Dorbolo
Physical Review Letters 131, 184001 (2023)
Result: When a volatile liquid hits the surface of a warm bath of oil, it can cross the interface. A vapour shell is then generated: this is a thermal antibubble. The growth of the shell thickness was challenging the regular model of both antibubble and Leidenfrost, i.e. we have a Leidenfrost droplet in a shell! The thermalization must be taken into account.
Story: From a curiosity in a thesis (2016) towards a nice and difficult story. Note that this paper results in a ESA parabolic flight campaign in order to determine the role of the drainage. Note that this paper allows us to meet Thomas Pesquet, and the next generation of future astronauts among which our national Raphael Liègeois!
136. Tunable self-extinguishing of dripping fire mediated by impacted substrates
Xujun Fan, Fangye Lin, S. Dorbolo, Wei Wang, and Jun Zou
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 223, 125262 (2024)
Result: When dripping inflammable liquid falls on a flame, what are the conditions to maintain the flame and the conditions to extinguish the flame. The frequency and the size of the droplet matters through an elegant power law.
Story: This follows the nice, innovative and so productive collaboration with Jun Zou group !
137. Effect of the surface dimples on the exit dynamics of a sphere at a constant velocity
Intesaaf Ashraf and S. Dorbolo
Applied Ocean Research 147, 103996 (2024)
Result: Dimples on golf balls are known to change their behaviour in the air. The same in the water.
Story: Nice experimental work by Intesaaf
138. Exit dynamics of a square cylinder
Intesaaf Ashraf and S. Dorbolo
Ocean Engineering 297, 117106 (2024)
Result: All is in the title
Story: Nice experimental work by Intesaaf
139. Antibubble column as a mean of measuring dissolved gas permeation through liquid-gas interfaces
J. Miguet, S. Dorbolo, and B. Scheid
Chemical Engineering Journal 498, 153276 (2024)
Result: YES ! Antibubble does have some implications in applications. A patent is also pending.
Story: The story is complex especially with the editorial board and more precisely with the production department. Jonas could write a book about that.
140. Object pulled out of a water bath from entrainment to drainage: Experiments
I. Ashraf, L. Vincent, R. Falla, B. Scheid, V. Terrapon, and S. Dorbolo
Physical Review Fluids
141. Semi-resolved CFD-DEM model for spontaneous droplet digging in a hot granular bed
Michel Henry, Nathan Coppin, S. Dorbolo, Vincent Legat, Jonathan
International Journal of Mass and Heat Transfer
Rxx. Inflamed Leidenfrost drops
Xujun Fan, S. Dorbolo, Fangye Lin, and Jun Zou
In transfer from PRL to PR something
Rxx. Multilayer antibubbles generated from packed droplets
Cyril André, Cyriaque Amerein, Jonas Miguet, Benoit Scheid, and S. Dorbolo
In revision for Physical Review Fluids
Sxx. Object pulled out of a water bath from entrainment to drainage: Numerical simulations
I. Ashraf, L. Vincent, R. Falla, B. Scheid, V. Terrapon, and S. Dorbolo
Submitted JFM​
​Pxx. The entrainment of a wire by a water jet
S. Dorbolo, J. Rivero, B. Darbois, and B. Scheid
in preparation for Papers in Physics
Pxx. Droplet on dissolvable fiber
S. Dorbolo, F. Weyer, A. Delory, A. Tembe, and Z. Pan
in preparation​
Pxx. Buoyancy force on objects immersed in air-fluidized beds
L.F. Orozco, G. Lumay, S. Dorbolo, and N. Vandewalle
in preparation for Granular Matter.