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74. Hysteretic behavior in three-dimensional soap film rearrangements

N. Vandewalle, M. Noirhomme, J. Schockmel, E. Mersch, G. Lumay,

D. Terwagne, and S. Dorbolo

Physical Review E 83 (2011) 021403 (5 pages).


Result: A soap film self-adapts to the size of a prism and remembers the state before the change

Story: First paper of the so-called «students», first experiment of our new electronician Médéric. 





75. Wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid in a horizontal magnetic field

S. Dorbolo and E. Falcon

Physical Review E 83 (2011) 046303 (5 pages).


Result: Very few works concern ferrofluid with an horizontal magnetic field. Moreover, we studied wave turbulence. The spectrum was completely changed without seeing any Rosensweig effect.

Story: The result of one month of intensive measurements at Eric’s Lab at Paris 7. 





76. Bouncing bubble on a liquid/gas interface resting or vibrating

J. Zawala, S. Dorbolo, D. Terwagne, N. Vandewalle, and K. Malysa

Soft Matter 7 (2011) 6719-6726.


Result: The negative picture of the bouncing droplet. The conditions for rebound contrasts pretty strongly with the droplet. Faraday’s waves have sometimes to be trigged.

Story:  Jan came for one month in Liège. Heavy worker... especially when he tried stop smoking





77. van der Waals cohesion in Non Smooth Contact Dynamics : application to powder mixtures

F. Ludewig, S. Dorbolo, F. Boschini, R. Cloots, and N. Vandewalle

Canadian Journal of Physics 89 (2011) 779-785.


Result: Simulations. Small grains stick on large grains. This is a solution for increasing the flowability of a powder. On the other hand, it is a hard task to model.

Story:  François has always amazing results in one of the drawer of his desk.





78. Granular gas in a periodic lattice

S. Dorbolo, M. Brandenbourger, F. Damanet, H. Dister, F. Ludewig, G. Lumay, and N. Vandewalle

European Journal of Physics 32 (2011) 1465.


Result: Clustering is an impressive and counterintuitive process. Why does agitation gather grains together? Inelastic shocks do.

Story:  It is always a pleasure when a student team beats again an experiment until the success story.




79. Manipulation of droplets onto a planar interface

T. Gilet, D. Terwagne, N. Vandewalle, S. Dorbolo

Bubble and drop interfaces, Edts Miller and Liggieri (Brill, Amsterdam, 2011) 14 pages.


Result: Summary and compilation of results. A global vision is important.

Story:  COST P21 was an european action devoted to the physics of droplets. It was a real pleasure to meet all these interesting people around Europe for discussion about the mysterious droplets.




80. Impact of liquid droplets on granular media

G. Delon, D. Terwagne, S. Dorbolo, N. Vandewalle, and H. Caps

Physiscal Review E 84 (2011) 046320 (5 pages).


Result: Droplets splash on the beach. It results in particular morphology as if the splashing droplet was frozen during the impact.

Story:  When Giles gets bored, he plays. The game is interesting way to discover new things.





81. Influence of a reduced gravity on the volume fraction of a monolayer of spherical grains

S. Dorbolo, T. Scheller, F. Ludewig, G. Lumay, and N. Vandewalle

Physical Review E 84 (2011) 041305 (6 pages).


Result: A large horizontal centrifuge allows to obtain a radial acceleration below the gravity. A monolayer of grains will behave as if they were in a reduced gravity field. The compacity is lowered when the gravity decreases.

Story:  Tom is from Luxembourg and he is probably the best Ambassador of his wonderful country (He and Simon beer). Cheers.





82. Single thermal plume in locally heated vertical soap films

N. Adami, S. Dorbolo, and H. Caps

Physical Review E 84 (2011) 046316 (8 pages).


Result: A vertical soapy curtain is locally heated. The heating provokes an upward flow that faces the downward flow due to the drainage. Plumes are the results.

Story:  It is because of such experiments that Nicolas became Bob. Very fine experiment.



83. Symmetry breaking in a few-body system with magnetocapillary interactions

N. Vandewalle, L. Clermont, D. Terwagne, S. Dorbolo, E. Mersch, and G. Lumay

Physical Review E  85 (2012) 041402 (6 pages).


Result: Interaction between floating object was tuned using a perpendicular magnetic field to the surface. Hystereris was observed and allows self-assembly control

Story: A student’s project story





84. How does an ice block assembly melt?

S. Dorbolo, F. Ludewig, N. Vandewalle, and C. Laroche

Physical Review E 85 (2012) 051310 (10 pages). 


Result: An assembly of melting blocks re-organises by succession of jumps. Order appears along the borders and commensurability plays an interesting role.

Story: APS March meeting at New Orleans with baby Mathieu in 2007. We needed ice. I heard that ice makes noise when melting. This is the starting point. Afterwards, Mister Claude Laroche made a wonderful experiment. Finally, discussing with Bruno who used to take the bus 28, we decided to use x-tomography. On a Saturday, CHU had a new patient, named» Ice cubes».





85. Sculpting sandcastles grain by grain: Self-assembled sand towers

F. Pacheco-Vázquez, F. Moreau, N. Vandewalle, and S. Dorbolo

Physical Review E 86 (2012) 051303 (6 pages).


Result:  When dry sand is poured on wet sand, spontaneously, a narrow sand tower grows. Surprisingly, the highest towers appear close to the threshold of humidity content of the sand bed.

Story: Felipe tried to study erosion. An accident occurs and towers appear. Florian and he worked hard. But thanks to that: SEEN on RTL-TVi.





86. Bouncing of polymeric droplets on liquid interfaces

S. Gier, S. Dorbolo, D. Terwagne, N. Vandewalle, and C. Wagner

Physical Review E 86 (2012) 066314 (7 pages).


Result: When polymer is added to water, the bouncing droplet dynamics is modified. The threshold is increased.

Story:  Collaboration with Stephan Gier from Saarbrucken University. A lot of work with Christian Wagner.





87. Antibubble Dynamics: The Drainage of an Air Film with Viscous Interfaces

Benoit Scheid, Stéphane Dorbolo, Laura R. Arriaga, and Emmanuelle Rio

Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 264502 (5 pages).


Result: The antibubble can be used as a surface rheometer. A clear correlation between the lifetime of the antibubble and the surface viscosity is rationnalised.

Story:  Benoit likes challenges. The antibubble lifetime was mysterious as depending on the liquid nature. The model was completed by measurement at LPS (nice measurement campaign there).




88. Influence of the gravity on the discharge of a silo

S. Dorbolo, L. Maquet, M. Brandenbourger, F. Ludewig, G. Lumay, H. Caps, N. Vandewalle, S. Rondia, M. Mélard, J. Van Loon, A. Dowson, and S. Vincent-Bonnieu

Granular matter 15 (2013) 263-273.


Result: The gravity increases the flow out of a silo without provoking jamming. A slip length was found for the outcoming flow.

Story:  This experiment requests a real army to be set up. A big work by our technicians S. Rondia and M. Mélard. We will remember Laurent’s shirt, escape center, Leiden and... stupid file erasing (by me).





89. Experimental study of a vertical column of grains submitted to a series of impulses

G. Lumay, S. Dorbolo, O. Gerasymov, and N. Vandewalle

European Physical Journal E 36 (2013) 16 (pages).


Result: Tapping periodically a vertical column allows to fluidized it. The mean space occupied by the beads is uniformly distributed.

Story: Nine years separate the measurements from the publication





90. Rebound of a confined granular material: Combination of a bouncing ball and a granular damper

F. Pacheco-Vàzquez and S. Dorbolo

Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 2158 (6 pages).


Result: The rebound of an hollow object is completely damped if the mass of the grain put inside exceeds 1.5 times the mass of the objets times the coefficient of restitution of the empty object.

Story: This story started with a ping-pong ball. Felipe imagined several declinations of the experiments to reach this success.





91. Bubble bouncing at a clean water surface

J. Zawala, S. Dorbolo, N. Vandewalle, and K. Malysa

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2013)


Result: A bubble can bounce indefinitely at the surface of pure water. Pure is important because it should not bounce.

Story: Title should have been: immortal bubble... Editors did not like it.





92. Leidenfrost Explosions

F. Moreau, P. Colinet, and S. Dorbolo

Physics of Fluids 25 (2013) 091111 (2 pages).


Result: Droplets made of water and surfactant was placed in Leidenfrost state. Suddenly they explode when the surfactant concentration reaches a threshold.

Story:  In the Beginning, Florian and I wanted to decrease the surface tension in order to observe new deformation mode of the droplets. We first tried with coffee and detergent. When... boum! We won the Gallery of Fluid Motion.





93. The role of the droplet deformations in the bouncing droplet dynamics

D. Terwagne, F. Ludewig, N. Vandewalle, and S. Dorbolo

Physics of Fluids 25 (2013) 122101 (14 pages).


Result: The synthesis of how deformations modify the bouncing modes. In another words, what happens when the bouncing ball is soft?

Story:  A concentrate of GRASP skills: experiments, models and numerical simulations.



94. Bouncing dynamics of a spring

M. Hubert, F. Ludewig, S. Dorbolo, and N. Vandewalle

Physica D 272 (2014) 1-7.


Result: More maths about the bouncing. A spring induces more chaos or not...

Story:  First paper by Maxime. Still waiting for the drink.





95. Magnetic ghosts and monopoles

N. Vandewalle and S. Dorbolo

New Journal of Physics 16 (2014) 11 pages.


Result: A monopole is like the Graal for theorists. A similar behaviour can be easily obtained. A typical DIY experiment giving amazing results.

Story: I am pretty sure that Nicolas will discover more and more incredible phenomenon with these magnetic beads.





96. Organization of microbeads in Leidenfrost drops

L. Maquet, P. Colinet and S. Dorbolo

Soft Matter 10 (2014) 4061


Result: Hydrophilic grains are put in a Leidenfrost drop. The grains spontaneously move to the interface to form a monolayer.

Story: An amazing picture.





97. Electrically charged droplet: case study of a simple generator

M. Brandenbourger and S. Dorbolo

Canadian Journal of Physics to be published.


Result: How to charge a droplet? What are the geometrical constraints? What should be the liquid?

Story: This operations allowed Martin to start his zero-G adventure.





98. Gas dissolution in antibubble dynamics

B. Scheid, J. Zawala, and S. Dorbolo

Soft Matter 10 (2014) 7096


Result: Antibubble lifetime is very dependent on the gas content of the liquid. The dissolution of the gas increases the thinning rate of the antibubble. This process is in parallel with the drainage.

Story: This paper increases significantly the application field of antibubble. So simple, so exciting.





99. Leidenfrost effect: Accurate drop shape modeling and refined scaling laws

B. Sobac, A. Rednikov, S. Dorbolo, and P. Colinet

Physical Review E 90 (2014) 053011


Result: The shape of the Leidenfrost finally is rationalised using all the techniques and the astuces from TiPs (ULB).

Story: I do believe that this paper will be very cited.





100. Dynamics of a grain-filled ball on a vibrating plate

F. Pacheco-Vasquez, F. Ludewig, and S. Dorbolo

Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 118001


Result: These beautiful motion of granular materials in a bouncing ball.

Story: Felipe, you were right. This work deserves PRL. But even better than PRL, it is the number 100.




101. Resonant and antiresonant bouncing droplets

M. Hubert, D. Robert, H. Caps., S. Dorbolo and N. Vandewalle

Physical Review E 91 (2015) 023017


Result: the bouncing droplet is complex. When the frequency is right, the bouncing threshold is low. On the other hand, there exists another frequency for which the bouncing threshold is really high. By playing on the excitation frequency, it is possible to select or destroy on precise class of sizes.

Story:  a long story. Second paper by Maxime, Still waiting for the drink. We gooooooot it! (edit: March 12th, 2015)




102. Leidenfrost drops: effect of gravity

L. Maquet, M. Brandenbourger, B. Sobac, A.L. BIance, P. Colinet and S. Dorbolo

Europhysics Letters 110 (2015) 24001


Result: When you want capillary effects, go to zero-g. When you want to decrease the capillary regime, go to LDC at ESTEC. A droplet in Leidenfrost is subject to a change of regime during the evaporation process. At 20g, the capillary regime is much reduced. Models work.

Story:  Spin-Your-Thesis! is a fantastic program from ESTEC. We can say that we do love Nordwijk and Leiden. I miss the show from Francis Natra... What a pity.




103. Deformation of an elastic pipe submitted to gravity and internal fluid flow

B. Darbois Texier and S. Dorbolo

Journal of Fluids and Structures 55 (2015) 364-371


Result: A pipe clamped at one end is submitted to gravity. When water flows through it, it gets up. The lift force is modelled.

Story:  In Liège, it is without hand... Gags are embedded in the text.




104. Bernal random loose packing through freeze-thaw cycling

F. Ludewig, N. Vandewalle, S. Dorbolo, M. Pakpour, and G. Lumay

Physical Review E 92 (2015) 010202


Result: Freezing and defreezing a packing of grains immersed in the water. Does it compact? Does it decompact?

Story:  Great piece of work that gathers Geoffroy’s know-how-to-build-a-non-baraki-experiment and François’s know-how-to-simulate-the-things-you-think-it-is-not-possible-to-simulate.




105. Leidenfrost drops

B. Sobac, A. Rednikov, S. Dorbolo and P. Colinet

Chapter 7

Droplet wetting and evaporation, 1st Edition, From pure to complex fluids


Result: Solid model of Leidenfrost combining analytic calculation of the shape and numerical resolution of the flows.





106. Complex fluid droplets in Leidenfrost state

S. Dorbolo, L. Maquet, B. Sobac, A. Rednikov, P. Colinet, and F. Moreau

Chapter 24

Droplet wetting and evaporation, 1st Edition, From pure to complex fluids


Result: Droplets made of water and surfactant may be explosive. The analysis is proposed in the paper.

Story:  Florian, this is the only text for the moment...




107. Droplets climbing a rotating helical fiber

B. Darbois-Texier and S. Dorbolo

European Physical Journal E 38 (2015) 131 (5 pages)


Result: Discrete Archimedean screw. The conditions to obtain the motion of the droplet on helical fiber are discussed.

Story:  Great pictures by Baptiste and a very large phase diagram!





108. Flow of magnetic repelling grains in a two-dimensional silo

G. Lumay, J. Schockmel, D. Henandez-Enriquez, S. Dorbolo, N. Vandewalle

Papers in physics


Result: Granular material when contacts are suppressed and are replaced by magnetic interaction.

Story:  A true open access paper!


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