This is "le ptyx labo"
c'est todi les ptyx qu'on spotche!
There is no small science. Any knowledge matters and deserves to be investigated. This is not nothing because this is the very aim of the physics. The physics is social. The way you think, the subject you choose are often guided by the people you meet (and by financial support). Give a chance to curiosity, this is never a bad idea.
Things had moved. GRASP changed. PtyX is on.
Ptyx is an hapax.
An hapaX is is a word or an expression that occurs only once within a context.
"Ptyx" was invented by a poet named Stéphane Mallarmé in his poem "Sonnet en X".
Mallarmé wanted a word that rhyme in "X".
Sur les crédences, au salon vide : nul ptyx
Aboli bibelot d'inanité sonore,
(Car le Maître est allé puiser des pleurs au Styx
Avec ce seul objet dont le Néant s'honore.)
ORCID: 0000-0002-9022-6948
thermal properties
(before 2000)
Granular materials
electrical properties, silo
Physics of droplets
bouncing, leidenfrost, fibers
Non linear Physics
bouncing object and locomotion
PHYS250: Experimental Statistical Physics
ESA Academy 2015-2018
High speed imaging, tracking, PIV, electrical measurements, chain of measurements
High gravity environment (LDC at ESA)
2015-... : FNRS senior research associate
2006-2014: FNRS research associate
2006: Assistant
Physics of droplets
2002-2005: FNRS post-doc researcher
Granular material: electrical properties
Fluid phenomenon: antibubbles
2000-2002: Assistant
Research about superconductor and magnetic field and start of granular material electrical properties
Supervisors: Prof. H.W. Vanderschueren
Prof. M. Ausloos
1996-2000: PhD. Student FRIA
Thesis about Thermal properties of high critical temperature superconductor.
Supervisor: Prof. M. Ausloos
2024: 84th and 85th ESA parabolic flights campaign, France : Thermal zero-g antibubbles.
2019: LDC hyper-gravity, ESTEC, The Netherlands (Wave turbulence)
2013 : 59th ESA parabolic flights campaign, France : Electrically charged droplets and collisions.
2013 : LDC hyper-gravity, ESTEC, The Netherlands (Spin your thesis: Leidenfrost)
2011 : LDC hyper-gravity, ESTEC, The Netherlands (Silo and hypergravity)
2009 : E. Falcon, Paris 7, France
2006: B. Castaing, ENS-Lyon, France
2004: A. Kudrolli, Clark University, USA
2003: D. Quéré, Collège de France, France
2001: A. Campbell, University of Cambridge, UK
Scientific board and organization µMAST-2016 in Brussels
Organization EUFOAM2018 in Liège
Organization DROPLETS2025 in Liège
Organization EUROMECH " Films, bubbles, droplets and phase change " in Metz (France) end of August 2025 by Michel Gradeck (co-chaired by Alidad Amirfazli)
FRIA PE2-Jury 1 2021-2023-(2024)
FNRS Sen-1 for one-shot events 2018-19
Research Council ULiège Science et Technique 2010-2014
CNES, scientific board 2019-
PhD doctorate council 2006-2020
Printemps des sciences
Conférence expérimentale ESPCI (Paris)
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