On twitter, one can read surprising posts. Among these surprises, I read a very painful but so wise statement that I laughed with pleasure. A biologist revealed what is, from his point of view, the worst thing he has ever heard: It is when a physicist says "I can help you".
[if someone knows who said it... please, let me know]
This makes sense! Recently, I discover this series of seminar at Princeton:
These are all brilliant talks with impressive experiments and delightful models. Even knowing very few things about cell, the brain of a physicist cannot help but doing exciting correlations between Life and Non-linear systems. I saw bouncing dimers, collective behaviors, motion of droplets on fibers and on cotton candy, wetting, applied geometry... This is exciting for the physicists and probably less for the biologists who have already enough to do by growing, controlling, analyzing the cell, the signals between the cell, the biochemistry...
However, both sides know that this is a fantastic opportunity to go much deeper in both fields. The relationship between Life and Physics is very ancient and every centuries renewed. From Aristotle to Dirac and Penrose, both disciplines work at last together for only the good.